Top 8 most outstanding Destiny 3D printed guns

Top 8 most outstanding Destiny 3D printed guns

Published May 7th, 2022 08:29

Destiny has an interesting gameplay and story, so many people around the world love this game. In addition, the items in the game are beautifully designed. As a result, fans of Destiny have sought to create models similar to them, especially guns. Let’s see what is the most outstanding Destiny 3D printed gun in the top 8 below.

I. Ace of Spades Prop Catalyst - 3D printed Destiny weapons

Destiny is an online video game developed by Bungie. This is a shooter game genre that was released in 2014. Destiny was the most popular game in the early years of its release and won the BAFTA Award for Best Game.

Players can see the interface through the way that the game character sees it (first-person game). Players will play the role of a guardian and protect the last city on earth. They need to revive the Traveler and travel to other planets to destroy the aliens before the humans become extinct. As they play, they need to gain experience to level up, improve their combat skills, and unlock enhanced items.

destiny 3d printed gun

The Ace of Spades Catalyst is a powerful weapon that possesses perks. It got the highest rate as the best weapon in the game. The weapon can deal massive damages to the opponent. It can use the Funeral Pyre ability to create fireflies when Memento Mori is active. This is a special skill unique to Ace of Spades Prop Catalyst.

Memento Mori is a passive skill that activates when the player reloads. The new magazine will contain special bullets with greater damage. These bullets when fired will have a Firefly effect that makes the target explode. In addition, nearby enemies can also take some damage. This gun has a particularly powerful function, so players need lots of resources to own it. Besides, they need to meet a specific level, equipment, and other requirements to unlock this weapon.

The design of the gun is quite beautiful with similar details to the playing card. The designer created it based on the image of the military submachine pistol. Players can make this 3D printed Destiny weapon as a souvenir and add to their game item collection.


II. Recluse Destiny 3D printed gun

The Recluse is the gun that is used by many people in Destiny 2 because it is quite easy to find and has functions that are suitable for most users. Recluse's only special skill is Master of Arms.

In addition, Master of Arms allows the player to deal damage to the opponent for 10 seconds after destroying a random weapon in battle. In addition, Recluse has another passive skill, Feeding Frenzy. It will speed up the owner's respawn after being killed.

Recluse is easy to obtain for most Destiny 2 players. You just need to level up and do some in-game quests to get it. Therefore, many players choose this gun for long-term use.

The Recluse gun has a similar design to the Russian SR-3 'Vikhr' and the AKS-74U. You can refer to the Destiny 3D printed gun sample below. You can find the STL file of this gun with the net name and change a few details to create your new design.


III. Outstanding Destiny 3D printed gun - Outbreak perfected

Outbreak Perfected is one of the three guns of the Exotic Pulse Rifle in Destiny 2. It has many versatile multi-functions for users to change according to different terrain and maps. One of the important skills of Outbreak Perfected is attaching Nanite to the opponent, especially the boss. If the player mounts enough nanites, it will deal a critical hit to the enemy.

In addition, an important skill when using Exotic Pulse Rifle weapons to fight together is Disease Vector. It increases the damage of other nanites. This will help the members support each other in battle. Moreover, it will be especially useful if the player wants to separate the team to scout.

The design of this gun is extremely unique. It was created based on the image of a flamethrower. When creating Outbreak perfected Destiny 3D printed gun, it takes some time to complete the assembly. Because its number of components is too much and quite complicated.


IV. 3D printed Destiny weapons - Sunshot Red Dwarf

Sunshot Red Dwarf is one of the first exotic weapons released when Destiny 2 was released. This weapon has 2 special skills integrated. Firstly, in addition to the base damage, it can deal additional explosive damage to the opponent. Second, if Sunshot Red Dwarf's bullets kill the target, the target will explode. This explosion deals damage to nearby one. This skill is useful to destroy weak enemies in large numbers.

If the player is lucky, the player can destroy the entire low-level army with a single bullet. Therefore, this gun is suitable for the task of paving the way for the team.


The design of the gun is similar to the image of the dragon god Osiris. The gun is red, split in two at the body of this Destiny 3D printed gun. In particular, the Sunshot Red Dwarf has a round magazine that can be easily separated. When printing, users can customize the colors of the parts to produce a more different model of this gun as shown below:


V. 3D printed Thunderlord gun

Thunderlord is an exotic machine gun introduced in the first version of Destiny. This gun has extremely powerful functions. Beside causing damage to the opponent, in many cases it is also dangerous to the user. This is a gun that uses bullets with electrical properties to deal damage. Therefore, it is capable of dealing wide area damage (AOE) to many opponents.

This damage is relatively small, so it is not possible to kill the enemy immediately. However, if the player upgrades the gun and activates the Lightning Rounds function, the electric rings generated will deal greater damage over time. In addition, this damage also effectively stacks across shots. Therefore, it is suitable for hitting bosses.

The design of the Thunderlord gun is quite large and cumbersome if printed in the right proportions. You can change the aspect ratio of the parts to 80% for easier making thunderlord 3D print. This gun has a similar shape to the AK-308 gun of the Russian army.

Here is Thunderlord Destiny 3D printed gun designed by Downey. It took him 1 week to print all the parts and 3 days to assemble Thunderlord.


VI. 3D printed Gjallarhorn

The Gjallarhorn is an impressive exotic gun in the first version of Destiny. This is a weapon that is especially favored by players because of its design and powerful abilities. Gjallarhorn can assist players in defeating powerful bosses and conquering advanced maps.

The Gjallarhorn is the only weapon with a missile launcher with tracking warheads. Each of these rockets will have different functions. This function was once considered weak until players knew how to use it to perform advanced operations. Currently, Gjallarhorn is said to be the most powerful weapon in Destiny 1 version.

The special skill of this gun is Wolfpack Rounds. This skill allows the projectiles to split into some tracking warheads when the main bullet explodes. This effectively helps to create more damage in a short time.

The design of this gun is based on hand cannons. The decorative pattern around the gun is similar to the pattern on the Chinese cannon. The wolf on top of the gun represents the alpha Wolf. In addition, you can download the STL file of this Destiny 3D printed gun and edit the gun's mascot. You can change it to falcon, eagle, etc.


VII. Destiny 3D printed gun – Thorn

Destiny Thorn 3D print is a powerful weapon in the Weapons of Sorrow series. The damage dealt by Thorn lasts over time. Therefore, this weapon is suitable for supporting teammates.

This weapon is inspired by spikes. Its design has many thorns growing out from the front and sides. The fired bullets also have the shape of spikes or daggers that pierce the enemy. This unique design has attracted cosplayers who built this Destiny 3D printed gun. Below is a printout by Brian Johnson. This item was quite complicated so it took him almost 1 week to complete it.


VIII. Ager's Scepter - Destiny guns 3D printed

Ager's Scepter is a gun with a special function in the game Destiny. This weapon has great destructive power to the surrounding environment. Therefore, players often use it to destroy the game's terrain to open up secret areas.

The special feature of this weapon is that it has good recoil control. In the battlefield, players need weapons with low recoil to flexibly handle situations, especially boss fights. The Hand-Laid Stock, Arrowhead Brake, Particle Repeater capabilities can accommodate this.

The design of Ager's Scepter is quite unique. This weapon is shaped like Lucanidae - a type of beetle. Ager's Scepter's Destiny 3D printed gun is quite complicated. The details are meticulously elaborated by the developer, so it took more than a week to print all of its details. The unique design of this gun will be the highlight of your Destiny collection.


Through this article, we have introduced to you 8 Destiny 3D printed guns. The above guns are all unique and familiar items to most of the game's players. These models will be the highlight of your Destiny item collection. In addition, you can base on the design of the game to create your own gun model with your own style.

When printing 3D guns, do you wonder if this product is legal or not? Find out now: What is a 3D Printed Gun Model? Is it a legalized product?